Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Combine Reading Practice with 4th Grade Science Experiments

Here are some highly recommended experiments that are simple and perfect for 4th grade.  If you want to test your child's reading ability, give him/her a copy of the science project directions and all the supplies he/she needs and just watch.  Don't help!  If your child can't figure out how to do the experiment or he/she gives up.  You know you need to work on some easy nonfiction reading strategies with your child.

Here are some great 4th grade science projects:

Balloon Blow Up
Outrageous Ooze
Go With the Flow
Black Magic 
Reflecting Rainbows
Geodesic Gumdrops 
File Card Bridges 
Crystal Creations
Mold Terrarium
Copper Caper